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Se afișează postări din 2010

Creative minds: the links between mental illness and creativity

All too often, creativity goes hand in hand with mental illness. Now we're starting to understand why. Roger Dobson reports Tuesday, 5 May 2009 Seneca: "There is no great genius without a tincture of madness." At first glance, Einstein, Salvador Dali, Tony Hancock, and Beach Boy Brian Wilson would seem to have little in common. Their areas of physics, modern art, comedy, and rock music, are light years apart. So what, if anything, could possibly link minds that gave the world the theory of relativity, great surreal art, iconic comedy, and songs about surfing? According to new research, psychosis could be the answer. Creative minds in all kinds of areas, from science to poetry, and mathematics to humour, may have traits associated with psychosis. Such traits may allow the unusual and sometimes bizarre thought processes associated with mental illness to fuel creativity. The theory is based on the idea that there is no clear dividing line between the healthy and the me...

In Bad Taste: Evidence for the Oral Origins of Moral Disgust

Science 27 February 2009: Vol. 323. no. 5918, pp. 1222 - 1226 DOI: 10.1126/science.1165565 Prev | Table of Contents | Next REPORTS In Bad Taste: Evidence for the Oral Origins of Moral Disgust H. A. Chapman, 1* D. A. Kim, 1 J. M. Susskind, 1 A. K. Anderson 1,2* In common parlance, moral transgressions "leave a bad taste in the mouth." This metaphor implies a link between moral disgust and more primitive forms of disgust related to toxicity and disease, yet convincing evidence for this relationship is still lacking. We tested directly the primitive oral origins of moral disgust by searching for similarity in the facial motor activity evoked by gustatory distaste (elicited by unpleasant tastes), basic disgust (elicited by photographs of contaminants), and moral disgust (elicited by unfair treatment in an economic game). We found that all three states evoked activation of the levator labii muscle region of the face, characteristic of an oralnasal reje...

Psihoterapeutul saman

By Catalin Lazar Exista o lume magica ce opereaza in fundalul constiintei fiecaruia dintre noi, un substrat arhaic, plin de potential, ce isi are origini in vremuri indepartate si care si-a intiparit patternurile la nivelul cel mai profund al fiintei noastre. Este o lume incarcata de mister, pe care o intalnim de fiecare data cand visam, cand rezonam in fata simbolurilor arhaice si care ne trezeste curiozitatea, de pilda, catre ocultism sau astrologie. Aceasta latura straveche a fiintei noastre aduce cu sine o experienta pe care o preluam de la generatiile anterioare, este o cale de acces catre energia vitala si are un important potential vindecator. Aceasta realitate de ordin interior face ca atunci cand cineva se indreapta catre un terapeut, asteptarile sale sa fie foarte mari. Si asta, pentru ca, undeva, la nivelul asteptarilor inconstiente, terapeutul vine sa umple un rol pe care il jucau, odinioara, vraciul sau samanul vindecator. Nu se stie cum, nu conteaza cum, dar terapeutul va...

Este ignorarea stresului cronic o solutie?

By Catalin Lazar Atunci cand suntem stresati, cand avem constiinta unui pericol iminent, apare o reactie de tip fight or fly – lupt sau fug. Organismul se pregateste corespunzator, nivelul hormonilor specifici stresului creste. Odata indeparatat pericolul, nivelul hormonilor respectivi se normalizeaza. Acest tip de reactie se intampla in mod natural, atat la om cat si la animale si tine de supravietuire. Dar ce se intampla atunci cand stresul se cronicizeaza, cand devenim in permanenta stresati si nu ne mai putem elibera de ingrijorare, de exemplu? Atunci cand anumite componente de stres tind sa devina repetitive, in timp, ele isi lasa amprenta asupra starii generale a individului. Efectele stresului depasesc planul dispozitiei psihice si patrund mai adanc, afectand aria somatica si conducand la imbolnavire. Cortizolul este un hormon care a fost identificat in cadrul multelor cercetari medicale efectuate, ca fiind in corelatie cu un nivel crescut al stresului. Pe termen lung, un ni...