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Se afișează postări din aprilie, 2011

The Great Psychotherapy Debate

In 2001, Bruce Wampold of the University of Wisconsin published the book The Great Psychotherapy Debate . [ 31 ] In it Wampold, a former statistician who went on to train as a counseling psychologist, reported that psychotherapy is indeed effective, the type of treatment is not a factor, the theoretical bases of the techniques used, and the strictness of adherence to those techniques are both not factors, the therapist's strength of belief in the efficacy of the technique is a factor, the personality of the therapist is a significant factor, the alliance between the patient(s) and the therapist (meaning affectionate and trusting feelings toward the therapist, motivation and collaboration of the client, and empathic response of the therapist) is a key factor. Wampold therefore concludes that "we do not know why psychotherapy works".

The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy

The Consumer Reports Study Martin E. P. Seligman University of Pennsylvania Abstract. Consumer Reports (1995, November) published an article which concluded that patients benefited very substantially from psychotherapy, that long-term treatment did considerably better than short-term treatment, and that psychotherapy alone did not differ in effectiveness from medication plus psychotherapy. Furthermore, no specific modality of psychotherapy did better than any other for any disorder; psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers did not differ in their effectiveness as treaters; and all did better than marriage counselors and long-term family doctoring. Patients whose length of therapy or choice of therapist was limited by insurance or managed care did worse. The methodological virtues and drawbacks of this large-scale survey are examined and contrasted with the more traditional efficacy study, in which patients are randomized into a manualized, fixed duration treatment or into con...

Cateva consideratii asupra procesului terapeutic

By Catalin Lazar In cadrul discutiei terapeutice se comunica atat la nivel constient cat si la nivel inconstient. Se comunica prin atitudine, prin pozitia corpului, prin expresia fetei, prin gesturi, prin tonalitatea si intensitatea vocii, prin cuvinte si prin tacerea dintre cuvinte. Se comunica la nivel explicit dar si la nivel implicit. Am putea spune ca, intr-o anumita masura si pana la un anumit punct, terapia inseamna transformarea implicitului in explicit. Se cunoaste importanta calitatii relatiei terapeutice, stabilita intre client si terapeut, asupra eficientei procesului terapeutic. In acest context personalitatea terapeutului capata un rol important in cadrul procesului terapeutic. Literatura de specialitate indica, pe baza studiilor efectuate, ca nu exista diferente semnificative in ceea ce priveste eficienta diferitelor forme de terapie, dar exista diferente de eficienta intre terapeuti. Exista mai multe indicii care pot ajuta pacientii in alegerea unui terapeut, un ...

How does mind control work?

A technical overview of mind control tactics Coercion is defined as, "to restrain or constrain by force..." Legally it often implies the use of PHYSICAL FORCE or physical or legal threat. This traditional concept of coercion is far better understood than the technological conepts of "coercive persuasion" which are effective restraining, impairing, or compelling through the gradual application of PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES. A coercive persuasion program is a behavioral change technology applied to cause the "learning" and "adoption" of a set of behaviors or an ideology under certain conditions. It is distinguished from other forms of benign social learning or peaceful persuasion by the conditions under which it is conducted and by the techniques of environmental and interpersonal manipulation employed to suppress particular behaviors and to train others. Over time, coercive persuasion, a psychological force akin in some ways to our legal concepts of un...