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Se afișează postări din martie, 2011

Ce personalitate ai? Vezi aici la ce maladii eşti predispus

Apartenenţa la o anumită categorie de personalitate nu înseamnă neapărat dezvoltarea unei anumite boli, însă trebuie să fie luat în considerare riscul şi să se acţioneze asupra acelor aspecte ale caracterului care pot influenţa apariţia maladiei, spune psihologul Martin Hagger, de la Universitatea din Nottingham, Marea Britanie. Prezentăm mai jos o serie de maladii asociate celor mai întâlnite tipuri de personalităţi: Optimiştii Aceste persoane văd jumătatea plină a paharului, însă au tendinţa de a deveni supraponderale. Cercetătorii de la Universitatea Doshisha din Kyoto, Japonia, şi de la alte centre medicale au evaluat persoane supraponderale care au urmat un regim de slăbit cu o durată de şase luni, ce a implicat consiliere, nutriţie şi sport. Cercetătorii au descoperit că cei care erau cei mai optimişti au slăbit cel mai puţin. Optimiştilor le păsa mai puţin de problema greutăţii şi nu rezistau tentaţiilor. Totodată, optimiştii prezintă mai multe riscuri să moară prematur, pentru ...

Dance moves can reveal your personality

It is where many couples first set eyes on one another - and now research suggests that the dancefloor is the perfect place to gauge a prospective partner's personality. Scientists have claimed that the way a person gyrates in time to music can betray secrets of their character. Using personality tests, the researchers assessed volunteeers into one of five "types". They then observed how each members of each group danced to different kinds of music. They found that: * Extroverts moved their bodies around most on the dance floor, often with energetic and exaggerated movements of their head and arms. * Neurotic individuals danced with sharp, jerky movements of their hands and feet – a style that might be recognised by clubbers and wedding guests as the "shuffle". * Agreeable personalities tended to have smoother dancing styles, making use of the dance floor by moving side to side while swinging their hands. * Open-minded people tended to make rhythmic up-and-down ...

Music taste linked to personality

Heavy metal fans are gentle, indie music listeners lack self-esteem and lovers of pop music are uncreative, according to research out today. The study on the links between personality and music taste has been conducted by a psychology professor over the last three years. He found that country and western fans are hard-working, rap fans outgoing and jazz and classical music supporters are innovative and bursting with self-confidence. Contrary to the stereotype, heavy metal fans are gentle and at ease with themselves but they tend not to be hardworking. Those who listen to heavy metal and classical music share character traits, according to the research, of being creative, at ease and introverted. But classical music fans have high self-esteem while heavy rock fans lack self-belief. More than 36,000 people around the globe took part in the survey, the biggest of its type ever conducted. They were asked to rate 104 musical styles in the study and were also questioned on aspects of their p...