"It is justifiable to regard the term 'sickness' as pertaining not tothe acute turmoil but to the pre-psychotic personality, standing as itdoes in need of profound reorganization. In this case, the renewalprocess occuring in the acute psychotic episode may be considerednature's way of setting things right." - John Weir Perry MICHAEL O'CALLAGHAN: How does one define so-called schizophrenia? JOHN WEIR PERRY: Jung defined it most succinctly. He said"Schizophrenia is a condition in which the dream takes the place ofreality." This means that the unconscious overwhelms theego-consciousness, overwhelms the field of awareness with contentsfrom the deepest unconscious, which take mythic, symbolic form. Andthe emotions, unless they're hidden, are quite mythic too. To acareful observer, they're quite appropriate to the situation at hand. The way "schizophrenia" unfolds is that, in a situation of personalcrisis, all the psyche's energy is s...